Upcoming events from Country Attic Treasures and our partners.

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90 Bird Buddy/Protection Shoot Calcutta and Free Hog Roast
May 15, 2016 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Sunday, May 15th, 2016
Shoot 3 traps/30 per trap (White Flyer Targets)
$90.00 per shooter/9 protections and Calcutta
Calcutta sells at 1:00 PM (Club opens at 9 AM)
Payout – $2 to club for targets, $4 in each protection and $4 to Calcutta for each protection/shooter
50/30/20 or /40/20/10 if 25 or more teams (Ties Split)
50/50 Shooter/buyer for Calcutta
9 Protection matches, ties settled from shoot-off platform. Money to the shooter.
2nd Chance option 50/30/20 starting out of Calcutta money $4 (paid to shooter)
Jackpot (If nobody runs 90 goes to high gun no carryover) paid to shooter $2
Long run (Most consecutive targets) paid to shooter $2
Split the pot $1
Door prizes dontated by 86 Bait & Tackle and Country Attic Treasures